
By John Fitzgerald on 19th Oct 2023
Can you have a strategy for an emerging, frothy technology like AI? Yes, you can, but it needs to be realistic and flexible. In this... Read more
By Jason Railton on 13th Jul 2023
We want to live in a Scotland where everyone has the opportunity to get online, and to do that we need to make sure that digital... Read more
By Katya Allcott on 3rd Jul 2023
Katya Allcott of Scottish Mentoring Network blogs about her organisation’s digital journey It’s April 2020 and I’m sitting at my desk... Read more
By John Fitzgerald on 30th May 2023
Tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard and Stable Diffusion have been hitting the headlines since the start of the year. Why all the hype... Read more
By Siobhan Mercer on 7th Mar 2023
Amazing and inspiring digital transformation work has been happening all over Scotland for years. Join us to be part of a sustainable... Read more
By John Fitzgerald on 2nd Nov 2022
Quite a few of the charities we support with digital change ask for help with framing their digital strategy. Sometimes people ask us... Read more
By Maddie Stark on 26th Oct 2021
Maddie Stark reflects on strategies and tools organisations can use to take stock of their digital progress and help set their... Read more
By John Fitzgerald on 27th Aug 2021
In this second blog on our digital checkup learning, I’m looking at whether organisation size has a big effect on checkup scores. We... Read more
By John Fitzgerald on 5th Jul 2021
At this week’s DigiShift, we heard from Paul de Gregorio, founder of Rally and a leading digital engagement and mobilisation... Read more
By Alison Stone on 7th Jun 2021
June is looking like it’s going to be an awesome month… already we have had a few days of sunshine, have celebrated youngest daughter... Read more